It is with great satisfaction that we publish the list of works that will be presented in the XX Journey of Scientific and Technological Initiation of the Bahiana.
The presentations will take place on the day October 21, 2022 (Friday), from 14 pm, through the Zoom Meeting Platform.
The access links to the virtual rooms, for the presentations, will be forwarded to the institutional e-mail of the students linked to the Scientific and Technological Initiation Program of the Bahiana (PIBICT/PIVICT).
The presenters (students) will have 10 minutes to present your work, with more 03 minutes reserved for discussion/argument.
Check here the list of works for presentation (in alphabetical order).
For clarification of doubts or solution of technical problems, we will be available through the electronic address or by WhatsApp: (71) 9 9975-8384 ou 9 9161-0241.
Professor Humberto Castro Lima Award and Research Group of the Year Award will be granted during the XXII Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana.
Check out the schedule of the event that takes place online, on October 21, via Zoom.
Sign up and participate in one of the biggest academic events in Bahia!