The Center for Institutional Relations and Internationalization of Bahiana (REAI) gave away, on August 12, four places for the academic exchange of undergraduate courses at Concordia University of Edmonton (CANADA), to be held in 2023, lasting one semester.
Eleven students from all undergraduate courses at the institution competed for vacancies. Academics Roberto Damasceno Borges and Gabriela Sandes Tosta Nascimento, João Vitor de Aguiar Fenari, from the Biomedicine course, and Clara Ribeiro Santana Rosa Barreto, from the Dentistry course, were randomly selected.
In addition to full tuition fees at a Canadian university, the Canadian university's academic exchange program Bahiana grants a 50% discount, starting from the second month in progress, on the monthly fee for the undergraduate course at Bahiana. The benefit is granted only during the exchange period. The manager of the REAI, Maria Antonieta Araújo, says that, through the partnership between the Bahiana and Concordia University, a project is already being developed in collaboration with the LABYRINTO (Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Autism) at Bahiana: “This partnership is extremely important because it will open up opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and visiting professors from both institutions. This will make it possible, according to the manager, to participate in public notices for funds for the development of these researches”.
Expanding opportunities for students, a new public notice will soon be launched to draw places at the University of Porto (Portugal), for the courses of Medicine, Psychology and Physical Education.
The initiatives will be in conjunction with universities in the US, Colombia and Argentina.
Institution had an exhibition space at World Partners Day, at Concordia University of Edmonton (Alberta-Canada).
Initiative promotes the exchange of scientific and cultural knowledge with a view to enriching professional training.