species mapping

species mapping


giant yucca


Scientific name: giant yucca  

Family: asparagaceae

Origin: Central America and North America.

popular names: Elephant Yucca, Purity Candle.

Natural occurrence: equatorial, Mediterranean, oceanic, subtropical and tropical climate.

Features: tree usually less than 6m tall. Its trunk can be single or multiple and with time it becomes more and more rough and rough, with a dilated base, similar to an elephant's foot. The leaves appear in a spiral rosette and are acuminate, green, long, shiny, rigid and with serrated edges.

Unlike other yucas, this one does not have thorns. As in some palm trees, the dead leaves can take a long time to fall, forming a skirt under the canopy.

Usage: it is ornamental, due to its sculptural aspect and needs large land to fully develop and not be disproportionate in terms of growth. They look majestic in contemporary, tropical gardens.

Source: www.jardineiro.net/plantas