species mapping

species mapping


Thuja occidentalis L.


Scientific name: Thuja occidentalis L.

Familia: Crupessaceae

Origin: Northeast United States of America and Southeast Canada.

Popular names: tree-of-life, cedar, cypress, American thuja, Canadian thuja and white cedar.

Natural occurrence:  North America.

Features: It is a very leafy and intensely fragrant plant. Tree up to 15m to 20m high, with a dense pyramidal crown; very branched trunk, with reddish-brown bark; ascending end horizontal branches; scalloped, oppositely crossed leaves.

Usage: It is a medicinal plant known for its properties that help in the treatment of colds and flu. For medicinal purposes, the branches of this plant are used, which contain thujone (essential oil), which is known to have immunostimulating and antiviral activity in the body.

It is indicated for condyloma (benign tumor), respiratory tract infection, catarrh, enuresis, cystitis, psoriasis, uterine carcinoma, amenorrhea, rheumatism, bronchitis, angina, pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis.

Sources: https://pt.wikipedia.org; https://www.ppmac.org/content/tuia; https://www.tuasaude.com/tuia-thuja-occidentalis/; http://www1.rc.unesp.br/arvoresdocampus