species mapping

species mapping


Punica granatum


Scientific name: Punica granatum   

Familia: Lythraceae

Origin: Middle East

popular names: Pomegranate, Romeira.

Natural occurrence: common in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.

Features: It is a tree that reaches 2m to 5m, with a gray trunk and reddish branches when young, which adapts to tropical and subtropical climates as well as to temperate and Mediterranean ones. The flowers are orange-red and simple, with double-flowered varieties such as the “Legrellei” occurring.

The fruits are spherical, with a leathery and thick skin, yellow or reddish and stained dark. Its interior is composed of many seeds, covered by a thick, pulpy pink or reddish color, with an acid and sweet taste.

Usage: the pomegranate is an edible fruit. In the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, the pulp is used in the preparation of aperitifs, dessert, or sometimes in an alcoholic beverage.

Studies have shown that pomegranate is rich in gallic and ellagic acids, substances that can help reduce blood pressure and prevent some cardiovascular problems, including heart attack and stroke, as it reduces levels of LDL cholesterol, which is responsible for clogging blood vessels.

Sources: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rom%C3%A3; https://www.jardineiro.net/plantas/romazeira-punica-granatum.html