species mapping

species mapping


Syzygium jambos


Scientific name: Syzygium jambos

Familia: myrtaceae

Origin: Southeast Asia.

popular names: yellow-jambo or yellow-jambo.

Natural occurrence: only in tropical and near-tropical climates, usually below altitudes of 1.200 meters, but up to 2.300 meters at the equator.

Features: a relative of guava, pitanga, jabuticaba and eucalyptus, it can reach up to 20m in height. In addition, it has a dense canopy with a conical shape, with lanceolate, dark and bright green leaves. The flowers are formed in clusters at the end of the branches. When it comes to nutritional properties, jambo is a good source of iron, protein and other minerals. The bark has high amounts of lipids and bioactive compounds, especially anthocyanins.

Uses: Juicy and sweet fruits can be eaten raw, cooked or made into desserts. Parts of the plant are used medicinally against fever, diarrhea, dysentery, catarrh, diabetes, eye sores, rheumatism, smallpox, asthma, bronchitis, and hoarseness.

Source: https://www.webcitizen.com.br