species mapping

species mapping


Handroanthus impetiginosus Mattos


Name scientific: Handroanthus impetiginosus Mattos

Family: bignoniaceae

Origin: Brazilian Atlantic Forest

Popular names: ipê-rosa, casquinho, ipê, ipê-de-flor-roxa, ipê-mirim, ipê-preto, ipê-roxo, among others.

Natural occurrence: some regions of Brazil and in countries of South, Central and North America.

Features: late secondary tree that reaches up to 25m and its diameter up to 80cm. The inflorescence is a terminal panicle, the flowers that range from pink to lilac last a few days and provide food for insects such as bees, which are important pollinators. The fruits are thick septicidal capsules in a dehiscent pod. Membrane seeds are dispersed by anemochory (by wind).

Usage: the tree is widely used in urban afforestation in the Southeast and Midwest of Brazil.

Also used in civil construction, corrals, interior finishes, furniture, musical instruments and bowling balls. From the bark, tannic and lapachic acids, alkaline salts and the dye are extracted, which is used to dye cotton and silk. In addition, it is used for local treatments to control anemia, cystitis, soothing, relieve ear inflammation, among others.

Source: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handroanthus_impetiginosus