species mapping

species mapping


eugenia brasiliensis


Scientific name: eugenia brasiliensis 

Family: myrtaceae 

Origin: rainforest of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

popular names: grumixama, cherry-do-brasil, xaneira de nega, among others.

Natural occurrence: primary forests from Bahia to Santa Catarina.

Features: slow-growing tree, which can reach up to 20 meters in height, occurs in alluvial forests and gentle slopes. Its fruits are small dark purple spherical berries, with watery, slightly acidic pulp and one or two seeds. There are three varieties: the dwarf xaneira, the yellow xaneira and the large xaneira, which bear fruit in November-December. It is a rare species included by Slow Food Brazil in the Ark of Taste as one of the endangered Brazilian fruit species.

Usage: the fruits, in addition to human consumption, attract avifauna.

The plant has the following therapeutic properties: astringent; antioxidant; aromatic; diuretic; energizing and revitalizing. Its wood is also used in joinery and carpentry.

Sources: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumixameira; https://www.beneficiosdasplantas.com.br/grumixama/