species mapping

species mapping


Soft tendons


Scientific name: Soft tendons

Family:  Anacardiaceae.

Origin:  Brazil.

popular names: amescla, aroeira-branca and aroeiro-do-mato, anacauita, aroeira, aroeira-gray, aroeira-leaf-de-salso, aroeira-de-sabiá, among others.

Natural occurrence:  Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.

Features: evergreen shrub or tree, commonly between 3m and 12m tall. It is considered one of the most aggressive precursor species in stony and drained soils.

The term “schinos” comes from the Greek verb “schizein”, which means “to cut”, “to make an incision”, because of the cut that is made in the bark to flow the resin. The Latinized term “molle” comes from “mulli”, the name that the indigenous people of Peru give to this tree.

Usage: the multiple uses of Soft tendons date back to the time of the Incas. The resin served not only to heal wounds and as a purgative, but was also used to embalm the dead.

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