

Death note

Bahiana communicates the passing of our dear counselor Almério de Souza Machado.


Mourning Dr Almerio Photo In Possession Dr Maria Luisa Bahiana 03102013 006 01With great regret, the Bahiana communicates the loss of a great member of his family, prof. Almério de Souza Machado – Foundation advisor Bahiana for the Development of Sciences since 1996, who passed away last night, July 17, at 23:15 pm – and expresses solidarity with his family, friends and colleagues.

Always a devotee of Santa Dulce dos Pobres, in the name of his dedication to so many lives that he cared for and in response to his last request, family members ask friends and colleagues to, instead of sending flowers, make donations to the Sister Dulce Social Works - OSID (

Prof. Almério will be veiled today, at Jardim da Saudade Cemetery. And his cremation ceremony will be at 15:XNUMX.