

Bahiana is the best company to work for in Bahia

Institution wins 1st place in GPTW 2018.


The night before his 67th birthday, the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública received a more than special gift, ranking 1st in the Best Companies to Work For Award, within the ranking of large companies (with more than a thousand employees). The awards took place last Thursday, May 30, at Congrats Hall, and included companies in the education and training, production and manufacturing, healthcare, transportation and retail, information technology, finance and insurance sectors.

This is the sixth consecutive year that the Bahiana is recognized as a good place to work, ranking among the top five companies in Bahia in this regard. The data collected from the awards refer to 2018. "The Bahiana the focus on people is the guiding principle for everyone within the organization. This concern begins in the selection process, when we try to identify in potential candidates the alignment with our values, with our institutional DNA. Our selection process is also different because it is formative, which allows for an environment where everyone involved learns within the process", said Telma Bastos, manager of the Strategic Management of People and Learning (GEPAP).

