

Bahiana holds I Symposium of Multiprofessional Residencies

The meeting had as its theme the health of the elderly.


Debating aging in the pandemic, public policies aimed at the elderly in Brazil and the controversial code MG2A, which classifies old age as a disease. This was the objective of the I Symposium of Multiprofessional Residencies of the Bahiana, which took place on March 4, in a virtual way, and brought together professionals, students and teachers. The event was organized by residents of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health Care for the Elderly, who are in the process of completing the Multiprofessional Residency Program, under the coordination of Professor Maria Olívia Sobral Fraga de Medeiros.

The opening table, mediated by the resident Louise Cardoso, had the participation of the Dean of Extension of the Bahiana, professor Carolina Pedroza, professor Maria Olívia Sobral Fraga de Medeiros and the coordinator of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health Care for the Elderly and representative of the Irmã Dulce Social Works (OSID), a partner entity in the residency program, Prof. Iris Soeiro. "THE Bahiana believes in residences as powerful spaces for quality training for health professionals", pointed out Pedroza. For Íris Soeiro, residences are a space for deepening knowledge in approaching the elderly. "The residence is a legitimate space to contribute to the quality and strengthening of the SUS", declared the OSID representative.

The meeting brought speakers with important names regarding the health of the elderly, such as Dr. Alexandre Kalache (RJ) and Dr. Dóris Rabelo (UFRB), who talked about aging in the pandemic, and Dr. Marcela Silva (UFRB) and Dr. Fabiana Longhi (PR), who discussed Brazilian public policies for the elderly. In turn, the theme “Is old age really a disease?” was presented by guest speakers Dr. Beltrina Corte (PUC-SP) and Dr. Maria Isabel Vitória de Carvalho (Inventiveness Project). The program also featured the speeches of resident students who were able to share their experiences within the program, in health units.