Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Medical students have papers approved at an Australian HTLV congress

Works will be presented in May, at the scientific event that is one of the most important in the world.


The works “PROFILE OF COVID-19 VACCINATED MEMBERS OF AN ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HTLV (HTLVIDA) IN BAHIA, BRAZIL” and “FROM PRESENTIAL TO VIRTUAL: AN MULTIDISCIPLINARY EXPERIENCE OF HTLV CENTER IIN SALVADOR, BRAZIL DURING THE SARS-CoV-2 PANDEMIC”, developed by students of the Medicine course at Bahiana, have just been approved in the 20th International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Viruses, main congress of basic science and clinical research in the area. The event, which takes place every two years, will be hosted virtually in Melbourne, Australia, from May 8 to 11, 2022, with several international speakers who are experts on the subject.

The authors of the research are students José Guilherme Reis de Oliveira, Caio Vinícius Sá de Pinho Laytynher and Filipe José Silva Andrade Ribeiro, in addition to professors Aidê Nunes and Selena Mendes, both professionals at the HTLV Center of Bahiana. The studies also had the partnership of the HTLVida Association.

This was another scientific production of the Research Group on Retroviruses and Infectious Diseases at EBMSP, under the guidance of prof. Dr. Bernardo Galvão and Professor Dr. Maria Fernanda Grassi.