

Article by researchers from the Osvaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) that criticizes the current management of science in Brazil is published in The Lancet

The text has, among its authors, Professor Dr. Bernardo Galvão Castro.


The article "Brazilian science under continuous attack", by the researchers emeritus of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Renato Sérgio Balão Cordeiro, Samuel Goldenberg and Bernardo Galvão Castro Filho, the latter professor at the Bahiana and coordinator of the institution's Neuroscience Center, was published this month in The Lancet.

It is one of the most important international scientific journals on medicine with peer review. Published by Elsevier, UK, by the Lancet Publishing Group, it is one of the oldest medical journals in the world.

In the article, the authors highlight the difficulties that science and researchers in Brazil have been facing in the current administration of the Federal Government, such as the cut of US$ 110 million in the budget of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, in addition to the retention of US$ $490 million from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development. "The recent demonstration of disrespect to scientists was a federal decree, issued on November 5, 2021, revoking the award of the National Order of Scientific Merit granted to two scientists, Adele Schwartz Benzaken and Marcus Vinicius Guimarães de Lacerda", state the authors in an excerpt from the article.

Read the original version of The Lancet available at: