Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Researcher at Bahiana wins first place in the Fapesb 2021 award

The award honored researchers who contributed to the advancement of science in Bahia


In support of the recognition of researchers who contribute to the advancement of science in Bahia, the Foundation for Research Support of Bahia (Fapesb), which is linked to the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti), promoted a ceremony to honor those who made a difference with their research in the year 2021. Bahiana Patrícia Lordêlo was honored with the first place in the Confap Science, Technology and Innovation Award "Francisco Romeu Landi" from Fapesb, in the category Innovative researcher for the business sector. The ceremony took place on December 14, at Espaço Lazareto, at the Foundation's headquarters.

“Gratitude to Atson Fernandes (Pro-Dean‎ of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies Stricto Sensu da‎ Bahiana), in particular, for having received the award on my behalf; to Dr. Maria‎ Luíza‎ Carvalho Soliani (dean of the‎ Bahiana); to Luciana‎ Bilitário‎ (coordinator‎ of the‎ Physiotherapy‎ course‎ of the‎ Bahiana)‎, to Maria de Lourdes Gomes (pro-dean‎ of‎ Teaching‎ of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Lato Sensu‎ da‎ Bahiana) and to the Patricia Lordêlo Institute (IPL), for the nomination that led me to win first place", describes the researcher in gratitude, also extending the credit to the school‎ ‎Bahiana‎ of‎ Medicine and Public Health,‎ institution that – revealed Patrícia Lordêlo – has participated in her trajectory since graduation. 

Through a public notice, the National Council of State Foundations for Research Support (Confap) launched state and national stages to compete for the award. Each state selected its researchers who also competed for the national stage. The honorees selected by Fapesb were: 

  • Outstanding researcher in Life Sciences: Álvaro Augusto Souza da Cruz Filho;
  • Prominent Researcher in Exact Sciences: José Maria Landim Dominguez;
  • Featured researcher in Human Sciences: Jacyra Andrade Mota;
  • Innovative researcher for the business sector: Patricia Virgínia Silva Lordêlo;
  • Innovative Researcher for the public sector: Márcio Galvão Guimarães de Oliveira;
  • Communication Professional: Bianca Brito, from IF Baiano.