Biomedicine course monitors 2022.1
Biomorphofunctional I
Biomorphofunctional II
Monitors of the Physical Education course 2022.1
Monitors of the Nursing Course 2022.1
Theoretical and practical bases of nursing II
Women's health practice
Monitors of the Physiotherapy Course 2022.1
Biomorphofunctional II
Monitoring of the Medicine course 2022.1
Biomorphofunctional I and II - Microscopic Fundamentals, Tissue Aspects - Histology
Semiological bases
Biofunction I
Biomorphofunctional I and II - Macroscopic fundamentals
Biomorphofunctional I and II - Microscopic Fundamentals Module - BMC/Physiology
Biomorphofunctional II - Macroscopic fundamentals neuroanatomy
Surgical Skills I
Procedural Skills in Surgery
Introduction to surgical technique - Radiological anatomy
Introduction to surgical technique - Topographic anatomy
Instrumental methodology - Intercourse morphofunctional sciences group
Women's Health I
Monitors of the Psychology course 2022.1
Measures in Psychology