

XXI MCC: Popular Education Tent in Health pays tribute to educator Paulo Freire

The meeting promoted the importance of the cosmovision of the original and traditional peoples of Brazil.


As in the previous edition, the MCC had the Popular Education Tent in Health, which this year honored the educator Paulo Freire for the passage of its centenary. All programming was broadcast live on the official channel of Bahiana on YouTube, in the afternoon of October 1st, and began with the presentation of the virtual exhibition “Your body is nature”, by the indigenous painter and illustrator Wanessa Ribeiro.

The program continued with the Round of Conversation “Planetary Health: (re)connections and dialogues based on the cosmovision of the various indigenous and traditional peoples of Brazil”, which included the invited participants: Eliete Paraguassu – shellfish collector, quilombola from Ilha de Maré, militant of the Fishermen's Movement, of the National Fisheries Articulation and parliamentary advisor to Pretas for Salvador; Aluízio de Azevedo – gypsy calon, journalist, Master in Education and PhD in Information, Communication and Health; Lourivaldo Kalunga – quilombola, biologist, researcher, farmer, Master in Sustainable Development; Edielson Barbosa dos Santos – quilombola, militant of the Movement of Fishermen and Artisanal Fishermen of Brazil, member of the state and national coordination representing the Articulação da Juventude Pesqueira and Ubiraci Pataxó – indigenous therapist, educator, apprentice, shaman and researcher (UFSB). The activity had as mediator Flávia Conde Cabral e Dias, master in Public Health, participant of the Movement of Popular Education in Health – Bahia.

The meeting ended with a debate with the institution's guests and professors. "This event is just a provocation. If we want to preserve planetary life, we have to include the diversity of knowledge in our curricula. We need to broaden our vision of the world", declared Prof. Lígia Villas Bôas Supervisor of the Teacher Development Center (NIDD) gives Bahiana and co-ordinator of the XXI MCC.

Check out:
1st day of XXI MCC:

Popular Health Education Tent: 

2st day of XXI MCC: