Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

XI Researchers Forum marks the beginning of the XXI MCC

Presentation of technologies developed through research carried out at the institution was highlighted at the event.


As an integral part of the XXI Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana, on the morning of October 1st, the XIX Forum of Researchers of the Bahiana. With the panel "Science as an agent for the development of society: what does the BAHIANA do you have?", the researchers and professors of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program at Bahiana Luís Cláudio Correia, Patrícia Lordêlo and Nara Cortês presented technological solutions, the result of research carried out with the support of the institution. The panel also featured a presentation by Professor Vinícius Dias, director of ALGETEC – Technological Solutions for Teaching and Learning, a partner of Bahiana.

The table was mediated by FAPESP's Innovation Director and professor at Bahiana, prof. Handerson Leite, alongside the coordinators of the Master's programs in Psychology and Health Interventions, prof. Mônica Daltro, in Medicine and Health Technologies, prof. Marcos Almeida and Masters and Doctorate in Medicine and Human Health, Prof. Ana Marice Ladeia.

The dean of the Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, the Dean of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Stricto Sensu, prof. Atson Fernandes and the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education Lato Sensu, Maria de Lourdes Freitas Gomes, in addition to representatives of the state departments of Education and Science of Technology. In her speech, Dr. Maria Luisa highlighted the importance of developing a science aimed at the population. "We must carry out science with honesty, aiming at the common good, the good for the community, the good for the country", declared Soliani.

During the event, the Professor Humberto Castro Lima awards were also distributed to researcher professor of the year, given to prof. Bruno Bezerril, coordinator of the Clinical Research Center at Bahiana, linked to Bahiana Health and to the Research Groups of the year, achieved by the Psychology, Diversity and Health Research Group, coordinated by professors Marilda Castelar and Mônica Daltro. The International Center for Clinical Sleep Medicine and Research, led by Professor Iza Cristina Salles de Castro, also received the award as a New Research Group.


Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública