

Mobility Program for the University of Porto - UP (PORTUGAL)

Check out the FADEUP notice nº 04/2021.


The Institutional Academic Relationship and Internationalization Center of Bahiana, launches Public Notice for the selection of Physical Education students and Stricto Sensu courses (Masters and Doctorate) for study vacancies in 2022.1 at the University of Porto.

The graduation, which corresponds to the 1st Cycle of studies at that University, is focused on the area of ​​Sports. The Master and Doctorate - 2nd and 3rd Cycles respectively - also develops research in different areas: Adapted Physical Activity, Physical Activity focused on Health or Physical Activity for the elderly, as well as investigations in different fields of sport such as sports psychology, management, and human development and sport.
Check the Notice nº4/2021 in "Opportunities" at the link: