

Call for Voluntary Technological Initiation 2021

Selection Result.


The Dean of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Stricto Sensu of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública – EBMSP ratifies and makes public the result of the Call nº 01/2021, referring to the submission of proposals to the Voluntary Institutional Program for Scientific and Technological Initiation (PIVICT), aimed at students regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses.

Click here and check the result, in alphabetical order.

The contemplated students must complete the Registration Form for Voluntary Scientific and Technological Initiation, uploading the documents* described in the Call (in files, in PDF, renamed), in the period from July 05th to 09th, 2021.

*Documents for submission:

1. Copy of proof of enrollment of the current semester;
2. Copy of proof of link to the Research Group certified by EBMSP in the National Directory of Research Groups of CNPq (printing of the Directory page with the name of the student). 

In case of doubt, the NICTEC will be available through the email address or by phone (71) 99161-0241 (WhatsApp).