

Bahiana celebrates May of PICS

Event celebrated 15 years of PNPIC in a week of programming


A Bahiana commemorated 15 years of the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health with the event Maio das PICS, which took place from 22 to 29 May, being an initiative of RedePICS Bahia and CEPICS. The registration fee was earmarked for food and hygiene kits for socially vulnerable communities.

On the 22nd, 27th and 29th of May, the program with round tables and practical activities was broadcast on the channel. Bahiana No. YouTube. From the 24th to the 28th, online workshops on therapeutic practices were held, such as bioenergetics, ikebana, homeopathy, among others.

The event was coordinated by professors Renata Roseghini (Biomedicine) and Paulo Rodrigo Aristides (Physical Education). "We need to give visibility to the PICS, in the education and research environment. There is a lot of prejudice and ignorance and we need to overcome this", stated Roseghini.

Below, check out the full lives:


