An extremely participative roundtable marked the X Forum of Researchers of Bahiana, held on November 20, via the Zoom platform, within the programming of the XX Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana (MCC). With the participation of the dean of the institution, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, the dean of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Teaching Stricto Sensu, Dr. Atson Fernandes, and guests Bruno Bezerril and Dr. Roland Blaton (Tulane University ), the table had the theme "Internationalization and Brazilian research".
Mediated by Professor Luís Felipe Ribeiro Pinto (CAPES), the table opened with the presentation "The future of Science in Brazil: how to develop a competitive science?", given by Professor Bruno Bezerril. "Scientific evolution: from the minimalist vision to the integrative vision", was the theme of Professor Roland Blaton's speech.
Atson Fernandes explained that the choice of the topic for the forum followed a CAPES guideline that strives for the internationalization of research: "The Bahiana has been making a big move in the internationalization process, by moving its students to institutions abroad and also receiving students from other countries. We want to value and encourage this practice of internationalization in our programs, through the interaction of our professors and students, with professors and students from universities outside the country to carry out collaborative activities in the field of research, teaching and even extension within our courses".
Professor Humberto Castro Lima Award
On the occasion, the Professor Humberto Castro Lima Award was given to researchers and research groups that have significantly contributed to the formation of a scientific culture, promoting and disseminating activities related to science, technology and innovation. The winner of the Researcher of the Year Award was Professor Luís Cláudio Correia. The award for Research Group of the Year, in the Consolidated Groups category, went to the CAAP, coordinated by Professor Dr. Patrícia Lordêlo, and in the Consolidation Research Groups category, went to the "Neuroscience, Emotion, Cognition and Behavior" group. led by professors Gustavo Marcelino Siquara and André Carvalho Caribé de Araújo Pinho.