"Vulnerabilities and challenges of Care in Times of Covid-19" was the theme of the conference by the public health physician and head professor of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP), José Ricardo Ayres. The activity, which took place on August 21, in a virtual environment, was a realization of the Professional Master's Degree in Psychology and Health Interventions and marked the beginning of the 2020.2 academic activities of the stricto sensu graduate programs of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.
Under the coordination of Professor Mônica Daltro, coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Psychology and Health Interventions, the meeting was mediated by the head professor of Bahiana Dr. Bernardo Galvão, with the participation of the Dean of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies Stricto Sensu, Dr. Atson Fernandes, and the coordinators of postgraduate programs in Dentistry, Dr. Alena Peixoto Medrado; Medicine and Human Health, Dr. Ana Marice Ladeia and Technologies in Health, Dr. Marcos Antônio Almeida Matos. The meeting brought together professors and academics from all graduate programs.
"Bahiana has made a great effort not to generate any kind of damage in the training process of our graduates of master's and doctoral programs during the pandemic. We interrupted our activities for a short period, but it was enough for us to restructure in order to conduct our activities through digital education. We are sure that we will have another semester rich in science, learning and ethical-professional training", declared professor Atson Fernandes, who, at the time, announced that, even after the pandemic, the institution would adopt, as a first option, the boards of "This expands the possibility of participation in guest stands from other states," he concluded.
The concept of vulnerability in the health field was one of the main points in the speech of Professor José Ricardo Ayres, who illustrated the theme through a parallel between the HIV virus pandemic in the 1980s and the current Covid-19 pandemic . He drew attention to the fact that the virus affects, with greater severity, populations in which basic rights are neglected and to how denial attitudes aggravate the epidemics. "Looking at Covid-19, in global terms, the two countries that are having the worst performance are those whose main rulers are deniers. They deny the epidemic at first and then minimize its impacts or bet on the solution of the 'magic pill'."