

Professor Dr. Urbino Tunes will be honored by the Brazilian Academy of Dentistry

The coordinator of the Dentistry course at Bahiana will receive the title of Honorary Professor.


The coordinator of the Dentistry course at Bahiana, Professor Dr. Urbino Tunes, will be honored by the Brazilian Academy of Dentistry — ACBO with the title of Honorary Professor. The ceremony will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro, on the day 18 November, together with the commemoration of 70 years of the academy. In addition to the possessions in reference to the title of Honorary Scholar, on the occasion, there will also be nominations of new ACBO Full and Awarded Scholars.

The Brazilian Academy of Dentistry was founded on October 25, 1949 as a civil, philanthropic, public utility, non-profit organization that aims to highlight professionals in the field of dentistry. “Reaching a place in this select group of professionals, participating in academic life in its fullness, is a dream cherished by many”, describes prof. Dr. Urbino Tunes.

For the professor, the homage that will be paid to him demonstrates the apex of a professional career. “In this context, being sworn in as an honorary member of ACBO is an honor and privilege. It marks the certainty that dedication to work, ethical conduct, respect for the human person and interest in the collective well-being were valued", points out Urbino Tunes when stressing that the Bahiana he is also part of this achievement for having provided him with many experiences that made him evolve as a professional and as a human being.