

NUPI coordinator gives opening lecture at Embrapa's Scientific Journey

The event took place in Cruz das Almas and discussed the theme "Focus and Value".


The coordinator of the Nucleus of? Research and Innovation of the Dean of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies Stricto Sensu of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, prof. Dr. Amancio José de Souza, participated, as a guest speaker, of the 13rd Scientific Conference of Embrapa Cassava and Fruits, which took place from the 26th to the 30th of August, in the city of Cruz das Almas. The event was a cycle of presentations of works produced by grantees from the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Bahia (Fapesb) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) — with an emphasis on Scientific Initiation/quotes from these institutions — , of interns linked to Embrapa projects, of medium level, graduation and post-graduation, and had as central theme "Focus and Value".

"Themes of value in building an academic career" was the theme of Professor Amâncio's lecture, which took place on the first day of activities. the teacher of Bahiana considered the theme of the event to be appropriate: "It makes a lot of sense, because people need to have a vision of their time. This means you understand what the demands of society are, the contemporary problems of that moment. And people, understanding this, can make choices , options that offer answers to these demands", said the professor in an interview with Embrapa's newspaper, "A Semana".

In his speech, the professor was able to share the relationship of value he acquired in his academic path: "What I showed, in my trajectory, was that, consciously or not so consciously, I managed to participate in research themes that were relevant to my moment, for my time. I worked in renowned centers, with high-value people. These are factors that lead you to take the next steps. Therefore, issues of value are essential for conducting a successful academic career."

Professor Amâncio also recalls the time he developed research at that institution: "Life is often made up of cycles. I was an intern here in 1999. So, meeting my former advisor, researcher Paulo Meissner, is a pleasure. In Every place I went, when I said I had been through Embrapa, it was received with great enthusiasm, with great recognition, including abroad, in the United States. place that was internationally recognized, that had a history."