

Bahiana for a day receives Colégio São Lázaro

The visit to Campus Cabula provided the students with a university experience.


Day April 24 was marked by the visit of students from the St. Lazarus College à Bahiana. Students had a day of university experience thanks to the program Bahiana for one day, which takes place at Campus Cabula, from 14:10 pm to 17:XNUMX pm, weekly. the courses of Bahiana were presented individually, with exposures lasting 20 minutes each.
The script of activities began in room S08, with an Experimentation in Electrotherapy, a technique used in Neurological Physiotherapy. Professor Bruno Góes, who was responsible for the initiative, also explained the other areas of activity of the physiotherapist. Bruno points out that the students were very receptive: "As there was a lot of interest, I introduced the institutional channels of the Bahiana, that way, they will be able to know a little more about the course”. Then, to present the Medicine course, monitors from the Morphofunctional Sciences Group demonstrated the curricular components in the Morphofunctional Laboratory.



At the Dental Center of Bahiana, the manager Lísia Oliveira presented the unit's service structure to third-year students. Continuing the visit schedule, at the Movement Study Laboratory / Physical Education Skills Laboratory, Professor João Franco held a dynamic to encourage the practice of exercises.
In room S03, professor Cristiane Magali, from the Nursing course, provoked the reflection of high school students in relation to the understanding of Caring in Nursing. Cristiane sees the initiative as a chance to clarify the doubts of young people at a decisive moment: “Among the health professions, Nursing, in most cases, is not the first choice, so the action is a great opportunity for promote the area. I hope we left good seeds.”
Fernanda Arruti, psychologist and former student at Bahiana, taught methods related to Psychology for the relief of tension symptoms, in room S08. "Join Bahiana for one day it was really cool”, concludes the former student. To close the initiative, the Microbiology activity was given by the biomedic and former student of the Bahiana, Emilly Figueiredo, at the Laboratory of Chemical, Physical and Biological Sciences I.
Student Beatriz Reis, 17, congratulated the program and said that, after learning more about the courses, she became interested in the area of ​​Biomedicine, which, until then, she had not known. On the other hand, Jade Rios, also a student at Colégio São Lázaro, 17, was enchanted by the areas of Physiotherapy and Psychology.

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