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On August 18th and 19th, teachers from Bahiana, course coordinators, collaborators from the institution's academic sectors, as well as guests from other HEIs and health services, gathered at the Cabula Academic Unit for a pedagogical program that this year had the theme "Diversity – Learning and Teaching with Differences".
Diversity - Learning and Teaching from Differences
"This year's objective was to work on diversity, seeking to better train teachers to discuss with their students how to better approach patients within this topic, which is very much in vogue nowadays. Although diversity has many extremely broad issues, at this time, We are focusing on race relations and attention to transgender people. We seek to understand how to better expand affirmative action within the institution.” Sandra Brasil, coordinator of the Institutional Program for Teacher Development (PROIDD) and professor of the Dentistry course, explained. that the discussion aims to better train teachers, expand the scope of discussions about a more humanized, more welcoming service and an understanding of the individuality of each person in view of their diversity.
Pedagogical workshops
The first day of the forum featured two workshops that focused on building an assessment instrument with open and closed questions. To mediate the workshops, professors Márcia Hiromi Sakai, secretary-director of the Brazilian Association of Medical Education (ABEM) since 2013, and Olavo Franco Ferreira Filho, associate professor at the State University of Londrina and chief medical editor of the Revista Brasileira were invited of Medical Education – RBEM/UEL.
Tanira Bastos, professor of the Biomedicine course, says that the workshops directly reflected on her way of thinking and preparing an assessment. "I've already made several reflections on the test I'm developing, so it was possible to observe that we can further explore some aspects that we charge in discursive tests, not being so superficial".
Fernanda Cury, professor of the Biomedicine course, points out as fundamental the workshops carried out by PROIDD throughout the year to better prepare the school's teachers with regard to the pedagogical process. "After these workshops, I see that the questions will be elaborated even better and this was a consensus among the teachers after the activities – that the better the question is elaborated, the better we will be able to assess the student".
diversity saturday
On Saturday, the program began with a breakfast with the participation of the dean of Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, from the People Development manager, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, from the coordinators of the courses at Bahiana, professors of the institution and guests. In celebration of the institution's 65th anniversary, a timeline was set up in the conviviality area of the Convention Center, telling a little of what happened in previous editions of the forum.
With the auditorium full, the choreography BUFOYO was presented, with the ballet of the Dance Folkloric Ballet of Orixás that integrates the Collective of Investigation in Afro-Brazilian Dances of the Cultural Foundation of the State of Bahia (CIDAB/FUNCEB). For the company's choreographer and director, Prof. Roquedelia Santos, "the participation here today was extremely important, because, in our research group, we also address this issue of diversity, even diversity in the animal, whose work we show today, which is that of the buffalo and the butterfly – they are two extreme things. Also, the diversity of these boys, in the coexistence, in the options". She highlights the partnership with the Bahiana and how the idea is to intensify the group's participation in the institution's actions, such as the Youth Care Center (CAJU) of the Bahiana and other academic events.
Afterwards, the result of the Great Place to Work - GPTW 2016 award by the Human Resources manager of the forum was presented to the forum audience. Bahiana, Telma Bastos. This year, the Bahiana was ranked second in the state, as best company to work for, in the large companies category (with more than a thousand employees) and, last week, it received the national award, in the same category, being among the 70 best companies to work for, throughout Brazil.
Colloquium: Diversity from the perspective of health
The highlight of the second day of the forum was the colloquium: “Diversity from the perspective of health” with the participation of invited professionals. "The choice of guests was made with the objective of bringing professionals who had more extensive experience in this area", highlights Sandra Brasil. The colloquium was attended by professor Denize Ribeiro (UFRB), who addressed the impact of racism on the health of the black population, pointing out ways to train professionals committed to caring for these people; Professor Sérgio Zaidhaft (UFRJ), who, based on his experience in caring for transgender people, highlighted how humanized care is essential and the importance of health professionals recognizing their prejudices and limitations to deal with the “unknown”, with a better understanding the issues that affect this population. The third guest, Professor Francis Tourinho (UFC), presented experiences of affirmative action developed at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, which strengthened the importance of involving health professionals with the needs of populations that suffer discrimination and other social violence. The colloquium was mediated by the professor of the Psychology course at Bahiana Anna Amelia de Faria.
"I'm an advisor at the Academic League of Sexuality and Gender (LASG), I teach two subjects in the Psychology course and I was a tutor at Candeal for a few years. Whether in the League's experience or through other participations, as a tutor and teacher, I see, together with other professionals from that institution, these issues permeate the institutional reality of the city, country and world. So, thinking/acting on issues of diversity has to do with a political device, in line with the major concerns regarding health and good -being; they are, therefore, elements of knowledge and practice activated as inclusive dispositions. Our institution is attentive and interested in dealing with these relevant issues", emphasized Professor Anna Amélia.
According to her, it is imperative that health professionals are aware of differences in order to offer a more equal treatment. "There is violence in different spheres of social life in our country and it is urgent, therefore, to recognize the devices that make invisible and cause a huge population to suffer. The notion of equity works considering the differences to treat equally. For that, we have, as professionals of health, which recognizes them to better understand the devices of knowledge and care that collaborate, in a more focused way, with people's lives".
The pedagogical advisor of PROIDD, Lígia Vilas Bôas, highlighted the importance of the involvement of teachers from Bahiana with the theme beyond the colloquium, so that this knowledge is, even more, addressed in the curricula of the courses. "Following this path, we will be investing in training new sensitive and competent health professionals to meet the needs of diversity and, especially, of populations deprived of care and attention."
For Luana Goes, professor of the Biointeraction discipline of the Medicine course, what was really special in this edition of the Pedagogical Forum was the proposal of the theme. "In most forums, we are more focused on pedagogical issues, which are also very important and fundamental. This is the time when we can discuss the evaluation processes. is also important".
Golden butterfly
This year, the traditional Borboleguim Gold Trophy, which highlights teachers for their special dedication to teaching, was special, as it won three awardees. For her effective participation for years as founder and coordinator of the Nursing course and current Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education at Bahiana, was honored to Prof. Maria de Lourdes de Freitas Gomes.
Considered a dean, Professor Flávio Robert Santana was awarded for his long career as a teacher at the house, which he joined as a professor in 1971.
Innovating, as always, the Bahiana It also awarded the Gold Borboleguim Trophy to the employee Silvio Henking, supervisor of the Control and Prevention Sector (SECOP), for his dedication and participation in several editions of the Pedagogical Forum.
Closing - Congratulations Bahiana
In honor of the institution's 65 years, the audience was led by the dean, Dr. Maria Luisa, in a reflective exercise of dramatization that culminated with the entrance of several characters who were present in previous editions of the event and with the birthday girl's cake. Congratulations, Bahiana!