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Full Life: Inauguration of the Pau da Lima Community Library


On December 2, 2016, teachers from the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública participated in the inauguration of the Pau da Lima Community Library. The project was coordinated by the Professor of Public Health at Bahiana and member of the Social Action Nucleus of the Vida Plena Project, Karine Santana, who had the support of the neighborhood community.

The project's promotion actions were carried out by the Full Life agents whose proposal is to strengthen a social support network in the community, enhancing health promotion strategies, in addition to sensitizing the female population to carry out social actions, fostering empowerment.

During the program, 80 young people and children were present, among them students from Escola Estadual Daniel Lisboa and young people from the Juventude Vida Plena project. “It is important to highlight the support of the actress, theater director and member of the Network of Community Libraries Ana Paula Carneiro and her team throughout the event”, highlighted Prof.. Karine.

The project was developed in several stages, starting with a reading workshop with a text by Cora Coralina, as well as papeting and furniture recovery, organization and cataloging of books.

“Since the release until the month of February, 50 books have already been loaned out and the first one was Don Quixote, given to a 14-year-old teenager”, concludes Prof.ª Karine.



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