The history of Bahiana it is closely linked to the history of the foundation of Brazilian medicine. When the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, the first medical school in Brazil, created in 1808, was transferred from the Santa Izabel Hospital to the new facilities of the Federal University of Bahia, a suitable physical space was opened to install, in 1952, a second course of Medicine in Bahia. In addition to the location, health professionals with the experience and knowledge necessary to maintain a quality course were also available.
In this context, Bahia gained a school of excellence, focused on training doctors and public health professionals, which at the time was a regional shortage. The School was a joint effort not only of health specialists and academics, but also of religious and public administrators.
On-site undergraduate courses:
Distance learning course:
Stricto sensu graduate programs, authorized by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES):
Lato sensu postgraduate courses - specializations: options available in various areas of health.
Residency programs:
medical residency
Family and Community Medicine
Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology
Health Care for the Elderly
Individual and Family Clinic
The Extension of the Bahiana develops activities that promote interaction with society and its different spaces for promoting health and education, articulating, intersectorally, with various organized social segments. Extension activities consist of educational, cultural and scientific processes that articulate teaching and research in an inseparable way and enable the transforming relationship and socio-environmental responsibility between the Bahiana and society.
Extension actions are carried out through educational programs and projects, with socio-environmental responsibility, health care centers, scientific and cultural events and qualification and professional development courses.
Some of the centers, programs and extension courses at Bahiana:
Science, Technology and Innovation
The research is carried out by professors and undergraduate and graduate students, who have their own infrastructure, continuously expanded, and with the infrastructure of partners, through various agreements with national and international reference institutions, seeking social development and the quality of life.
Applied research is also encouraged with the objective of developing and transferring new technologies, protecting scientific and technological knowledge with registration of intellectual property, disseminating the culture of entrepreneurship, intellectual property and innovation.
Organizational structure:
• 31 Research Groups/CNPq;
• 128 lines of research.
Our laboratories and research/development centers:
• Research and Innovation Center (NUPI);
• Laboratory of Biochemistry of Cell Organs;
• Pelvic Floor Care Center (CAAP);
• HTLV Center;
• Assisted Technologies Laboratory;
• Biomaterials Laboratory;
• Pathological Anatomy Laboratory;
• Interdisciplinary Autism Research Laboratory.
Partner institutions:
• Cardiopulmonary Hospital
• Hospital Santa Isabel
• Rocket Accelerator
• Horus Soluções em TI Ltda.
• FALQON Services
• Move Accessibility Ltd.
• Maria Emilia Foundation
• Association for the Emotional Health of Children – ASEC
• MDI Indústria e Comércio de Equipamentos Médicos Ltda.
• DGM Electronics Ltd. (Technology transfer contract)