Consultation Sector – open to the internal and external community, allows consultation of books, periodicals, reference works and audiovisual material. For those who wish to consult on site, it is necessary to present the student ID or functional badge. In the case of the external community, a photo identification document is required. To have access to the sector, the user must use the luggage locker.
* In case of infraction, the fact will be communicated by the library system to the Course Coordination or to the Direction of the Bahiana, for the adoption of administrative and disciplinary measures appropriate to the event.
Reading Room and Individual Study - room with booths and computers for individual study and reading, available to the academic and external community.
Group Study Rooms - available exclusively for study groups. Access to the room is organized on a first-come, first-served basis. It is not allowed to leave belongings as a form of reservation.
Videoconference Room - allows the academic community to hold meetings between participants who are geographically distant, reception and transmission of GISs, lectures, national and international events, thesis defenses, conferences, etc.
Video Library – rooms equipped with TV, DVD and video player, where students can watch their work, programs and films recommended by the teachers.
Exhibition Spaces - the library makes spaces available for the internal community for temporary exhibitions directly linked to pre-established objectives, related to the exercise of teaching, research and extension activities.